VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Doctor Who France
Auteur : doctorwho
Date de création : 29-03-2010
posté le 01-03-2011 à 15:54:47

Bande originale de "A Christmas Carol" titres + extraits


Liste des titres


1. Come Along Pond
2. Halfway out of the Dark
3. Pray for a Miracle
4. Geoff
5. You Didn't Hit the Boy
6. Fish
7. Kazran Sardick 12 1/2
8. Ghost of Christmas Past
9. Babysitter
10. Talk About Girls
11. Sonic Fishing
12. Just a Little One
13. Big Colour
14. I Can't Save Her
15. The Other Half's Inside the Shark
16. Abigail
17. He comes every Christmas
18. Shark Ride
19. New Memories
20. Holding Hands
21. Christmas Dinner
22. Goodlucknight
23. Goodnight Abigail
24. This Planet Is Ours
25. Ghost of Christmas Present
26. The Course of my Life
27. Ghost of Christmas Future
28. Abigail's Song (Silence is all you Know)
29. Everything Has to End Some Time


 Ecoutez les extraits


Les CD et MP3 seront disponibles dès le 21 Mars 2011.